Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Just Another Halloween Article About Scary Movies (OR IS IT?!)

It is.

And it is the perfect time of year to come at you with my favorite horror films, and I will try to stick to the ones that aren't already essentials (i.e. Halloween, The Shining, The Exorcist, etc.)

1. Candyman: This is one of the most beautiful horror films I have ever seen, and it regretfully ignored in many horror lists. This film has the horror of urban legends and the paranoia of insanity paired with a beautiful score and colorful and poetic imagery. The Candyman's voice will haunt you long after you walk away.

2. House of 1000 Corpses: I will admit, the critics hated it; actually most people hated it, but I absolutely love Rob Zombie's fantasy/Scooby-Doo/horror mash-up. Zombie loves horror films and it shows here. It's disgusting, disturbing, and depraved; all of the things horror geeks like me live for and it will probably scare you (or at least make you nauseous) and after all isn't that the point?

3. Freaks: Okay, yes, it is in black and white but don't let that trick you into thinking this film is by any means tame. This film could never be made today, just look at the cast and you will see why. It centers around carnival "freaks" and betrayal. I won't give too much away but trust me, it will creep you out.

4.Tales From the Crypt Presents: Demon Night: I have to admit, I am biased to anything with the Crypt Keeper associated with it, but it goes deeper than that. The over-the-top nature of the series and the films is to die for (ha-ha). This one centers around a demon trying to get into a hotel and horror/comedy ensues. Halloween is about having fun, so lighten up and enjoy this one. (Plus Billy Zane is really attractive here)

5. Braindead (Dead Alive): This one is a gore-fest, and another fun one. I recently read it described by Eli Roth as "the wettest horror film"; At the same time, it is a blast. Centered around the dead coming back to life as a result of a cursed monkey bite, and the protagonist trying to find love (and escape his mother) the film is batshit crazy.

6. The Toxic Avenger: Okay this one is similar to Dead Alive in the silly gore-fest factor but is much cheesier somehow and lower budget. Another good time, assuming you consider fake blood and horrifying accidents a good time. This is a really good one to watch with your buddies who have a strong stomach.

7. Grave Encounters: Based on the Tomato-Meter rating, people didn't really care for this one, but it is one of the more recent films that actually scared me. It is another found-footage type of horror film and even takes place in an old asylum (eye-roll). The scariest factor of this film is an inability to escape or determine reality, I actually felt a sense of dread during this one so check it out.

8. Susperia: Taking place at a dance school full of gorgeous girls, this one is an Italian horror classic. Beautiful, haunting, and magical, it won't be for everyone but if you love scary movies you should give it a try, and maybe check out more of Argento's work.

*None of these films are for the faint of heart*

Monday, October 19, 2015

Trying to Be An Adult In A World Where All of My Bad Decisions Are Well Documented

Okay, I admit it...

I have made some really poor choices in the course of my life: did I really need that shield of bangs combed over in the 8th grade? Why was I so vague and awkward in my early social media days? Should I have posted all of those song quotes? Probably not.

I'm still one of those people whose profile you can still scroll to 2008 and witness the tragedy of my pre-teen/teen years. (Okay, maybe I will eventually delete the worst ones after saving them on my computer for some hacktivist group to find when I'm rich and famous).

But for now you can look at it; this includes such classics as:

Replying to Comments From People Who Seem To No Longer Exist

Having 30 Comments Long Arguments With My Friends On A Photo

Pictures of My Pop Punk Phase

Misspelled Words and Horrible Word Choice Galore

Quotes From Panic! At The Disco Songs

Vague Status Updates About My Boyfriend

And So Many More Timeless Hits...

Odds are, you have made these mistakes as well, although maybe you have had to foresight to delete them and have a semi-professional or at least trendy online presence. I, however, keep these posts for now as a badge of pride; I survived my teen years and all of the awkward phases that entailed. I bet you did too.

love always,
Saint Of Perpetual Boredom

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Welcoming Myself to The World Of Blogging

It's always hard to figure out where to start with anything.

 I mean, even with Facebook and Twitter it was nearly impossible to think of something witty yet honest to use as my first post, but maybe that's just my neurosis speaking.

First impressions are everything, or so I've heard, which means you all probably think I make my sentences too long and need to break them up using more periods; I'm trying!

These are the things I obsess over. Little things that honestly don't matter. Every. Little. Detail. 

Even right now I'm worried you might be thinking my grammar is awful or that I'm really boring and need to just get on with it. 


I'm Amber

I spend most of my time involved with video games, Tarantino films, and reading books that I found on "most disturbing" lists.

I also spend a lot of time regretting my hair decisions circa 2008, and shopping at stores like Forever 21 and H&M

I have generalized anxiety disorder with bountiful panic attacks

but more than that I'm a caring human being, I mean I even care about you reading this blog right now, and that's what is important, right?

For now I think you get the idea
Stay tuned for more pointless ramblings

love always,
Saint of Perpetual Boredom