Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Welcoming Myself to The World Of Blogging

It's always hard to figure out where to start with anything.

 I mean, even with Facebook and Twitter it was nearly impossible to think of something witty yet honest to use as my first post, but maybe that's just my neurosis speaking.

First impressions are everything, or so I've heard, which means you all probably think I make my sentences too long and need to break them up using more periods; I'm trying!

These are the things I obsess over. Little things that honestly don't matter. Every. Little. Detail. 

Even right now I'm worried you might be thinking my grammar is awful or that I'm really boring and need to just get on with it. 


I'm Amber

I spend most of my time involved with video games, Tarantino films, and reading books that I found on "most disturbing" lists.

I also spend a lot of time regretting my hair decisions circa 2008, and shopping at stores like Forever 21 and H&M

I have generalized anxiety disorder with bountiful panic attacks

but more than that I'm a caring human being, I mean I even care about you reading this blog right now, and that's what is important, right?

For now I think you get the idea
Stay tuned for more pointless ramblings

love always,
Saint of Perpetual Boredom

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